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Top 7 Tips to Prevent Hernia

A hernia is not life-threatening but it needs proper medical attention as it can’t be left to go away on its own. The condition of hernia arises when a muscle which is holding an organ or a tissue gets weakened up because of continuous straining. Surgery remains the mainstay for treatment.

There are a few things about hernias that you might want to understand before we get into the ways of prevention of hernias. First and foremost thing that you need to understand is that you cannot prevent yourself from all the types of hernias. There may be many factors that increase the risk of hernia in a person which may include an abdominal surgery that a person might have undergone or some kind of weakness in the muscles.

Inguinal Hernias are the ones which are preventable and it is this type of hernias only which occur commonly. The causes behind these hernias are the weakness of muscles or an abdominal pressure or both. A particular section of intestine starts to push in through the groin area in the Inguinal Hernias. When it comes to prevention, a lot can be done in order to prevent yourself from suffering from hernias. Below you are going to find a list of 7 tips that you must understand and try to follow them in your day to day life in order to prevent yourself from the condition called hernia:

1. A Healthy Body Weight
Overweight can cause a lot of problems in the human body and it increases the risk of hernia as well. The extra body fat that accumulates when you are overweight may put pressure on your abdomen and lead to hernia eventually. It is advised to keep your weight under control in order to prevent yourself from hernias. Regular exercising and physical activities like cycling, jogging or yoga can help you achieve healthy body weight and also reduce the risk of suffering from a hernia.

2. Carefully Exercising
Being choosy while exercising is considered as one of the best ways to avoid any exercises that may further increase the risk of hernia. Doing squats for an instance may put a strain on the walls of the abdomen which may further be the result in incurring hernia. High-intensity workouts are considered unsafe and anything that involves fast movement and which can somehow put a strain on the abdomen should be avoided as a preventive measure against hernia.

3. Avoiding Heavy Weights
Lifting heavy weights either while exercising or in regular life day to day tasks should be completely avoided. Doing it can put a strenuous amount of pressure on the abdomen and can cause a hernia.

4. Intake of Fiber-rich Food
Fibrous food helps in digestion as well as prevents constipation and constipation can cause put a tremendous amount of pressure on the abdomen and lead to hernias.

5. Keep a Check on Prostate
An enlarged prostate can cause a lot of undesired strain on the abdomen, and sometimes cause hernias. It is advised to keep a check on the same and get it treated so as to prevent hernias.

6. Immediate Treatment of Cough and Sneeze
Coughing and Sneezing can cause an undue strain on the walls of the abdomen and should be treated immediately in order to prevent hernias.

7. Regular Check-Ups
It is advised to keep a check on your overall health and visit a physician once in a while. Getting yourself go through a regular checkup can help you find a solution to many diseases and disorders. It is the best kind of prevention for any type of disease. It is important for everyone to get all types of hernia treated immediately as it can cause further complications and undesired issues.

It may even cause strangulation and infect the tissue that is affected. Sudden and severe pain in the abdominal region, constipation, and vomiting are some very common symptoms of hernias. It is also important to understand that all the hernias can only be treated medically and it is essential to get medical assistance for the same.

Dr. Saurabh Bansal, provide the best hernia treatment focuses not only on reducing the symptoms but also repairs the weakened region.

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