G32 Ground Floor, Market Road, Green Park Extension, Green Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110016


Cancer Surgery in Delhi NCR

With experience of more then 15 years in the field of general surgery, Dr Saurabh Bansal provides the best facility for cancer surgery in Delhi NCR. Clinic is equipped with all modern surgical equipments for cancer surgery along with expert team.

The word cancer is derived from Latin word which means “ creeping ulcer”. As the name suggests, Cancer usually happens from uncontrolled division of cells of the party of the body or organ of the body which lead to development of mass or spread of cancer calls in the body. Cancer is creeping disease as it may grow very rapidly or slow depending upon the nature of the cancer cells.


Cancer can happen in any part of the body and is the one of the most leading cause of death around world. The incidence of the cancer varies with different age, race , environmental, familial and genetic factors. The other major preventable risk factors include obesity, consumption of tobacco products, alcohol consumption , overexposure to sun and environmental pollutants.

The most common types of cancers around the world are :

1) Breast cancer
2) Lung cancer
3) Oral cancer
4) Colon cancers
5) Liver cancers
6) Skin cancer
7) Prostate cancers
8) Uterine and ovarian cancers
9) Stomach cancers
10) Brain tumor

General symptoms of cancer :

There are certain symptoms of cancer which should not be ignored
1) unexplained weight loss
2) Unexplained weakness and tiredness
3) Low grade fever
4) Low appetite
5) Unexplained rapidly growing lumps in the body
6) Symptoms related to the organ involved
7) Symptoms related to the spread of the cancer

Treatment and management of cancers

Once you notice any kind of symptoms it’s important to visit your clinician or surgeon to get your examined and investigated. The investigations like biopsy, ultrasonography, routine blood investigations, computerised tomography scan ( CT scan) , Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI) are done depending to diagnose the disease and spread in the body.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the clinician or surgeon may advice you regarding the best treatment options available according the protocols of the cancer management. The treatment options include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Role of surgery in cancer patients

Surgery remains the mainstay of the treatment for cancer patients especially in early stages where the tumour can be completely removed. These surgeries can be performed by routine conventional open surgery or minimal invasive surgery depending upon the organ involved. With the advancements of surgery and patients care the results of the surgery have improved tremendously over years.

Tips of patients

Most of the patients and their family are scared with the name of cancer but with advancements of treatment treatment of cancer is completely possible

1) Cancer is curable
2) Please don’t ignore your symptoms
3) Get yourself investigated
4) Trust in your doctor
5) Have proper follow up

To consult with best surgeon for your cancer related queries and surgeries ( Dr Saurabh Bansal). Please fill the contact information for appointment.
You can also click the link for various SHL surgical teams available at different global locations.